Interviewing Sarah Kain Gutowski

I recently had the chance to interview poet Sarah Kain Gutowski as part of Texas Review Press’s ongoing #TRPQA Series.

“I loved reading as a child, and that’s why I started writing. I wanted to engage in the conversation, to be a part of the larger picture I saw emerging, particularly as I began to study literature in high school and college. I’ve always loved narrative.”

Read the interview here

Published by Karisma (Charlie) Tobin

Karisma (Charlie) Tobin grew up in the mountains of New Mexico and Alaska. Her work appears in or is forthcoming from Glass Mountain Review, Interim, and Plainsongs, among others. She is currently the Publishing Specialist at Texas Review Press. She holds an MFA in Creative Writing, Editing, and Publishing, and an MA in English from Sam Houston State University.

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